

Enjoying The Holidays for Generations

Blog December 22, 2021By scott

Here we are, another year winding down and a new one set to begin. The past two years have been somewhat of a chaotic blur to many of us. Think about where we were in December of 2019? Could any of us have imagined that we’d still be battling the ebbs and flows of a global pandemic two years later!? I know I certainly didn’t imagine this happening. 

But, there are silver linings to our day and age. I think the pandemic put many things into perspective for people; we were all forced to reassess our priorities, our goals, and the way we live our lives. For many of us, we’re about to enjoy the holidays with our loved ones, but not everyone can say that – enjoying the holidays with family and friends through the generations is all about anyone can ask for. 

I have been accused of being an optimist, but I cannot help but look at the progress we have made. This “new normal” will be a great platform for EVERYONE to have a chance at prosperity more than ever before. Our country is poised for amazing things on the backs of consumers and small businesses.

The pandemic has shown us that everyone is essential. Companies that did not adapt and treat their employees well are paying the price during the “Great Resignation.” The historical advances in productivity and innovation are here to stay, as is, people valuing themselves properly.

As a family financial planner, I work with people of all ages from different generations daily. I hear their stories about financial opportunities, family events, life changes and help them with their questions. One thing they all have in common is no one has ever regretted spending their time, energy, or money on their family. 

As I had mentioned, I see people of all ages with different financial situations and goals, from soon-to-be grandparents entering retirement to twenty-somethings looking to buy their first condo. More than anything, what brings me joy is getting to know families at all stages of life. There is nothing more rewarding than helping families succeed and create financial stability for themselves. 

It is a great honor to work with multiple generations of a single family, allowing me to do my best work. Understanding the entire family’s needs and individual needs makes the puzzle more complex, but the finished product is a masterpiece.  It gives the elders the peace of mind that they desire to provide an indefinite meaningful impact on future generations.

Click to Learn About the 5 Goals All My Clients Share!

We are all in this together; we all want to ensure we can enjoy each other’s company for generations; the holidays are a nice annual reminder of this fact. There’s learning to be had every year. When it comes to planning for the future, it’s my job and my joy to keep families on a guided path to be ready for life’s big moments and unexpected challenges. 

We can’t control every aspect of our lives, but we can control how well prepared we are when the unforeseen happens. No client of mine has ever said, “Jeez, I wish I hadn’t started financial planning for my family so soon.” No, it’s usually the opposite, but just keep in mind, it’s never too late either, and a new year is a new opportunity to put the better foot forward for you and yours so that you can enjoy the holidays together for generations to come. 

My goal this year is to get to know 100 families. I want to know the ins and outs, the birthdays, the graduations, and even the favorite family bowling alley. I want to provide these families with the guidance they need to ensure that their future is a bright one and they’ll be prepared for any challenges along the way.

I’m thankful for everything my family has given me and continues to give me, and I’m lucky that my career gives me the chance to help other families, just like mine. 

Enjoy your time together this holiday season, and I wish you the best for 2022!

-Scott Nelson

Thrive Wealth Strategies,

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