

Key Market Strategies 2021

Media May 21, 2021By admin

Mid Year outlook for some themes to watch out for in the market for the rest of the year. We discuss:
-Is the stock market immune from COVID?
-There more risks in stocks or bonds?
-Should we be more concerned with rising inflation, interest rates or taxes? And how do we hedge against the risk?
-Is the 60/40 portfolio dead?

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Investment Review

$500 - Available to DIY and DIWM subscribers (included with DIFM package)

An in-depth review of your current portfolio of investments, based on my proprietary Thrive Method, a program I’ve developed over decades of experience. You’ll receive a custom-generated list of suggestions, actions, and strategies to help maximize your investment and asset allocation. The review features a calculated risk analysis, current cost analysis, and investment performance analysis.

CFP Review

$750 - Available to DIY subscribers (included in other packages)

A one-page financial plan that not only contains information about your current situation but also provides insights to help guide future-focused strategies and decisions. Imagine taking tens if not hundreds of pages of financial data and distilling it into an actionable doctrine - this is the Thrive Certified Financial Planner Review.

Single Issue Plan

$250 Each - Available to DIY subscribers (included in other packages)

We create a customized, concise, and easily accessible plan to address a specific issue you’re concerned with and outline how to approach it. Some examples include college planning, pension options, retirement readiness, early retirement healthcare, social security, and many more!